goldstar.gifYou are like a sunshine in my rainy day.
You always changed my sullenness and made me gay.
When everything seemed vague to me.
You were like a beam for me.goldstar.gif

goldstar.gifWhen i was getting wane and wane.
You gave me vim and made me stand.
You always listened to me carefully.
You always helped me faithfully.goldstar.gif

goldstar.gifYou were always there for me,
when i needed you.
I always knew your love is true.

You always spoke truth to me,
that's what i liked the best.
I always wanted to show you,
you are above all the rest.goldstar.gif

goldstar.gifI always trusted you and,
you always trusted me.

That's the base on which,
a true friendship should be.
Thankyou DEAR FRIEND for all the real love u gave.
You are the most truest friend,goldstar.gif
a person could ever have!.

goldstar.gifAuthor: "Maria.G"
dedicated to "All my wonderful friends"
With Lovegoldstar.gifalign=right